2020 Highlights

2020 Highlights


2020 Quad Cities tournament       July 2020

60s Champions in Quad  

 Bottom row left to right:    Tod Niemuth, Craig Behne, Eric Bockhorn, Pete Valdez, Dennis Moe, John Stamp

Back row left to right:  Bruce Carroll, George Harvey, Kenny Chard, Dean Jasper, Dave Prinz, Steve Favorite, Mark Schultz, Kevin Holle

W-L =  5-1.    Averaged 24 runs/game.  Won Championship Game Vs Iowa City Antiques   24-7



2020 Quad City Tournament     -   July 2020

75s  play in Quad Cities

Picture #1:

Picture #2: 

The first picture is with our team masks demonstrating our commitment to practicing good Covid-19 rules.  The mask are courtesy of my wife Georgia who picked out the fabric from her stash and made the masks, with a small bit of help from me.

The Second picture is just us without the masks so we can be id'ed.

We were only able to play the 4 pool games, before the remainder of the tournament was rained out.

Thanks to all of the team for a fun couple of days. Yes we lost all 4 pool games but I saw a lot of good plays, some really nice hits(just not enough of them) and most importantly, lots of positive talk and cheers and every one doing their best. As your manager, I'm proud of each of you for your contribution and team spirit.

Back Row Left to Right:

Mart Olson, Gerry Javoroski, Rob Wilks, Harold Brown, Senny Wegner

Front Row Left to Right:

Frank Caliendo, Marty Meyers, Al Bonitzer, Don Elliot, Dick Millerd


Doc Ryan, Don Anglen


Marty Meyers, mgr